Looking for a trusted provider with plenty of recommendations? Let us help you out with all of your author services needs!
Proofreading- $25 per manuscript submitted-- no limit on word count (price lowers if your manuscript is under 30k)
Editing - $125 per manuscript submitted no limit on word count (price lowers if your manuscript is under 30k)
Marketing - $10 a week, $40 a month or $5 per day for 30 postings a day.
Graphics - 2 graphics for $5 (I make all the graphics for this page and can send you teasers and logo's I've made for other clients)
Event Hosting $25 (please see the services tab for the complete regulations)
PA Service - this also you can book by the day or week. Prices depend on how much you need done. Message me for rates
Book Trailers $10
Book Tours - $65 (includes 2 weeks of the marketing package, messaging bloggers for promo/review requests, ARC management if you would like to send advance copies out as well as a Thunderclap Campaign)
Social Media Management $10 a week for me to manage your social media page. (1 or 2 posts a day to help increase visibility to your page)
We can also create newsletters, Facebook Accounts, Book Pages and many other author needs. Please don't think that great service has to cost an arm and a leg, and you can also book as is convenient for your budget. If you book for more than one month at a time or more than one proofreading Service at a time you receive a 10% discount on each subsequent month you book.